Haircuts for medium-length curly hair are quite diverse, as curls give you the opportunity to dream. However, not all hair haircuts look equally good, so before you make a choice, you need to assess the condition of curls, their stiffness and density.
Trendy haircuts on curly and curly hair
With a shoulder-length and stiff, elastic “springs” can be beautifully arranged with a hair gel or wax, and delicate curly curls neatly arrange.
If the owner of curls chooses a haircut without bangs, she can save time on styling, because it is bangs give the most problems – it needs a long time to pull a hair dryer or smooth out with the “iron” (although, of course, it is worth it).
When the haircut is performed with bangs, it is better to make it long, then it will lie in cute curls, and it will be possible if necessary it can be pinned or tied together with the other hair in a bun.
In addition, bangs give you more opportunities to look different every day, using the different variations of its styling.
Haircuts for thin hair for volume
Haircuts of medium length on fine curly hair is better to perform staggered. Due to the fact that the short hairs are lifted, the volume will seem more lush.
Tilting your head down when blow drying and directing the strands with your fingers from the roots, it’s easy to achieve a neat, airy hairstyle.
If the hair is chalked, the volume will still visually increase, thanks to the highlights from the blonde strands. If necessary, rare curls can be raised with special nozzles on the hair dryer and fixed with hair gel or wax.
Haircuts for thick hair
With thick curly hair is also not always easy to deal with, as they themselves support and guide each other. A properly executed haircut with thinned strands will make styling easier.
If your curls are a bit curly, almost any haircut will work for them. But for stiff curls it is better to choose a simple “Kare” and whip them with your fingers with hair fixers, then you get a perky, cheerful look.
A long “Bob” or “Karee” creates a romantic look, but too much curly hair will have to be pulled with a hair dryer. Cascade on thick hair allows you to experiment, each time arranging the strands in a new way, besides, it is suitable for both weekdays and holidays.
Haircuts for the downy, fluffy hair
On the fluffy curly hair of medium length is best suited haircuts such as “Kare” or “Bob”, and their asymmetrical versions are preferable. This greatly simplifies the styling and allows you to look great lush, but relatively sparse hair.
Most of all, such options are suitable for large curls, and with small curls will have to work hard. The most spectacular design of haircuts on frizzy hair is a oblique parting and oblique bangs.
It is important to remember that with fluffy hair, “Kare” and “Bob” visually expand a round or square face.
Haircuts for unruly hair
For naughty hair, shoulder length is considered optimal, as short curls can stick out unsightly, and with long hair, which is difficult to handle.
Cascade” and “Shaggy” haircuts are ideal for unruly hair. They allow curls to lay as they please and still look charming.
Haircuts for stiff hair
Stiff hair, in addition to being naughty, is also quite difficult to cut, as it may not stick out at all as intended when it dries. Here it is important that before starting work the hairdresser carefully studied their “character”, the direction of growth and correctly assess their capabilities in a particular haircut.
It is especially important with stiff curly hair not to cut the bangs, otherwise “dandelion” is guaranteed.
Asymmetrical haircuts
Asymmetrical haircuts are convenient because they can turn any disadvantage into a virtue. If properly executed styling, this haircut will emphasize the uniqueness of every woman with curly hair.
It suits best for oval and round face.
What hairstyle is suitable for a round, oval, square, triangular face.
When choosing a haircut, you should always consider the shape of your face. Here are some basic rules:
- Oval face with wavy hair allows you to do any haircut with straight or oblique bangs;
- Girls with a round face shape should refuse bangs or make them long. With short straight bangs the face will look wider;
- With a strongly elongated face it is recommended to make a haircut of medium length with straight and thick bangs;
- To visually enlarge the face, it is necessary to choose puffy haircuts.
Bob haircut
“Bob” – one of the most popular haircuts for curly curls. Its various variations allow you to choose a suitable for any type of face and hair structure:
- For an oval or triangular face, a classic “Bob” is excellent;
- On curly hair of medium length with a square face is recommended asymmetric variation of haircuts;
- Square or round large face “Bob with an angle” (elongated front strands) visually elongate and make more refined features;
- For, on the contrary, too elongated face is suitable haircut to the chin or just below with elongated bangs.
- The only thing you should always remember – a haircut requires perfect lines, so timely visits to the hairdresser and hair care are especially important.
Cascade haircut
Due to the large number of variations haircut “Cascade” is also practically universal. It can be done with any type of face and hair.
Even bouncy thick curls will look beautiful and elegant. It is only important that the variation of “Cascade” is correctly chosen and carefully executed.
Haircuts on curly hair of medium length are often recommended to do without bangs, but this does not apply to the “Cascade”.
Bangs perfectly complement the image (the only exception is in the case of hair “springs”), but it must necessarily be elongated, and it will have to be straightened during styling.
Advantages of the haircut “Cascade”:
- Softens sharp facial features and adds femininity;
- Framing the face with curls helps to hide its excessive width;
- The process of styling is greatly facilitated, due to the specifics of the haircut – the hair is neatly laid as they feel comfortable;
- Each girl’s haircut looks different, that is, it emphasizes the individuality.
Care haircut
Another universal option. The right length balances any facial features and makes them gentle.
If necessary you can widen the volume at the roots by tilting the head down when blow drying or, conversely, fluff up only the tips.

The Sculpted Hat
Also like the “Cascade,” the “Ladder” gives the hair a beautiful lay on its own, making it easier for the mistress to style it.
“Steps” performed in the haircut can have different lengths, thereby solving different problems:
Stiff curls due to the lengthening are laid more neatly;
Long strands near the face visually shrink a square or round face;
In a stretched face, on the contrary, short strands on the sides are welcomed.
A “bob-caree” looks very effective on curly hair. A great everyday option is chaotically lying curls. After spending some time styling with special products, you can get a charming evening variant. Correctly styled curls will adorn any type of face and conceal flaws.
This haircut is better suited for an oval face, and the curls should be quite pliable. On stiff hair it is a very problematic option, threatening a daily long styling. If there is the slightest moisture all the efforts are in vain.
Curly hair with soft curls in a medium length haircut gives a delicate, romantic look. Asymmetry in the haircut “Pixie” also looks very interesting on wavy hair.
In general, the haircut is less easy to handle than “Bob” or “Kare”, but it makes the image original and bold. Just before you decide to “Pixie”, you need to objectively assess the structure and condition of the hair.
The haircut looks great on soft wavy hair, it is not suitable for stiff and strongly curly hair.
It is important to remember that it is quite difficult to perform, and not every master is able to do it well.
In addition, “Sesson” requires constant care and correction at least once every 3 weeks.
But if performed correctly, taking into account the peculiarities of the hair, this haircut will make the image unforgettable.
Fouetté haircut
The “Fouetté” haircut is suitable for young girls, adding naughtiness to the image. It is made by the gradual transition in a spiral from the short strands on the crown to the elongated edges at the chin. The bangs are asymmetrical.
On slightly curly hair this haircut looks very interesting and perky, but for too curly hair is not recommended.
Haircut “Aurora”
Such a haircut with its similarity to the “Lesson” or “Cascade” differs from them with a rounded cap on the crown, a smoother transition between steps and pronounced bangs.
With finely curly hair it is better to refrain from it, but on the large curls it is good, especially if each curl is arranged separately using mousse or wax.
Shaggy haircut
The main feature of this haircut is artistic sloppiness (the name means “shaggy” in English). This is achieved by filleting the strands. Curly hair is simply twisted in a bundle and trimmed, the effect is magnificent.
Round face haircut of medium length will pull, asymmetric features will smooth out.
Due to the large number of variations, the haircut suits any type of face and hair. It is simple to style and easily transforms from simple to festive and even business-like.
A round face is elongated by raising the crown, wide cheekbones are hidden by elongated temples. A bang also helps to correct the face oval.
There are haircuts on curly hair of medium length, which are perfect for any type of face, hiding flaws and emphasizing the advantages. “Rhapsody” is just such a thing. With the help of various nuances (the length of curls, bangs, etc.) you can achieve the desired effect.
It should be remembered that the more opulent the dress and the more jewelry on it, the more restrained should be the hairstyle.